Wednesday, April 4, 2007

I'm Just Glad It's Over

It's bad enough that we have to see/hear all of the negative campaign ads every other fall. Now the local/state races are figuring out the undeniable unfortunate truth:


Both wings of the political spectrum are claiming victory this morning with Alderman McGee and Judge Ziegler both winning. Meanwhile - the vast majority of us in the middle are just glad it's over.

Here is Judge Ziegler:

"Today, I think the voters made clear that they reject negative campaigns and that those don't work..."

In other words - her negative ads were better, more on-focus, and resonated with John Q Public. Those negative TV spots she ran with Linda Clifford saying "I am not a judge" over and over again were very effective. They had one message - and one that the average person could understand (how could someone who has never been a judge advance to the supreme court?)

Here is Linda Clifford:

"I'm especially, though, disappointed in the fact that judicial elections in our state are now so overwhelmed by money that it appears that the candidate with unlimited funds is surely going to be the victor"

In other words - she needs to fire the agency who made her negative ads because they didn't have one consistent message ... and she forgot that the voters of this state for some reason don't get stuck up on allegations of corruption.

The average couch potato heard two things:
  • One's never even sat on a bench
  • One ruled on cases which involved her husband's company

The worst part was that the Clifford campaign rattled off stats that included Judge Ziegler ruling in his favor 85-90% of the time.

Speaking for the average slobs of the electorate I think out-loud: why didn't she rule for him 100% of the time? I would (for my wife).


Study the Clinton and Bush political machines. They get it and they both privately use the same old time marketing acronym: KISS

Keep It Simple Stupid!


Cindy Huber said...

Hi boss...the election, unreal...i actually crossed party lines on the judge election reasoning that any person who (opps) forgets to remove herself from any conflict of interest cases doesn't have what it takes to be a judge...of course my candidate lost so what do i know?

Bob Walker said...

Win or lose - I think it's cool that you crossed party lines. So many people won't do that today not matter who their party is running. Kudos!