Friday, April 27, 2007

The Hunt for the Real Alec Baldwin

The Hunt for Red October is one of my favorite movies of all times. I am an Alec Baldwin fan. As I sit listening to him on The View, I really feel for him and his situation of being alienated from his daughter.

Alec has always been one of my favorite actors ... and I pray to God that is not what I am seeing now: because he is very convincing. If he is acting, may his after-life consist of being locked in a room with Kim Basinger (yes gentleman, that would be hell because she is certifiable, his ex-wife and we are talking about eternity).

I've overhead my red-state friends scream that he is an abusive parent and hypocrite. My blue state friends say that he is a gentle man and must have been pushed (apparently, rallying for global warming makes you a warm person - do you see the irony too?)

The majority of us who live in PURPLE AMERICA (where red and blue come together) want to hear him speak.

We honestly wish he would have chosen a more reputable setting like a press conference where he wasn't holding hands with Barbara Walters. We also wonder why he went to Dr Phil? You mean to tell me Dr Phil was the best available counsel for his situation? We better not see a prime time special out of this.

I hope NBC lets him out of his contract so he can indeed further the isolated parents cause. Even now, I cannot watch 30 Rock without thinking of the incident. Again, I hope the NBC thing wasn't a calculated ploy where he asks, they say no and the show goes on - with a much bigger paycheck for Alec.

That's the problem with my Purple America Paradise: we are forced to be suspicious of everything because we know that 'spin doctors' are some of the most creative and highest paid people in the world (and we're not talking about the guys who sang "Two Princes.").

Our only consolation is that at least we're not living in the Matrix like world of professional spin. We took the blue pill - and live in reality.

Does Alec?

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