Friday, April 13, 2007

Be Scared ... Very Scared

Having been in the radio/media biz for my entire adult life, I have respect for anyone who can put out a compelling show day after day. It is not easy. For every successful show that connects with an audience, there are hundreds that didn't cut through.

Al Sharpton has always been good on the radio. I have met him in person at a radio convention in Minneapolis and have always found him interesting. Like any good radio talk show host, he makes his point and makes you feel something.

As a radio programmer, I do not listen to the radio the same way as you might. I am usually studying technique, style, and one's ability to direct a show. But this week was different. I heard the most utterly horrifying thing come from Sharpton's mouth following his victory over Imus:

"It is our feeling that this is only the beginning. We must have a broad discussion on what is permitted and not permitted in terms of the airwaves." - Al Sharpton.

Say what?

Beginning? Permitted? Our Feeling?

Actually Al - it's only the beginning of the end ... for you.

Wanna get ordinary Americans riled up? Those who are more likely to vote for Carrie Underwood than for their next governor will all of a sudden take a stand against anyone trying to stifle what this country was built upon: FREE SPEECH.

First of all - let's assume he wasn't talking about the prime-time line up on the CW Network (because someone does need to look at that...). I think it's time for action.

I want to see Tim Russert, John McCain and John Kerry (regular Imus guests who no longer have a regular radio home) take a non-partisan stand against censorship. They do not need to support I-Man (their affection name for Don Imus over the course of a decade in which they all appeard on his show).

Why is it when we're ticked off at the French, some idiot in congress enters a resolution to rename French Fries to Freedom Fries ... but nobody will stand up to Sharpton and his Big Brother tactics?

It's bad enought that I found myself saying "You Go Rosie" when Rosie O'Donnel stood up for free speech on the View ... now ...

I'm asking for real leadership.

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