Monday, May 14, 2007

Ask Any Coaster Enthusiast ...

Lots of chatter around the office on this week's episode of "The Sopranos."

Most of the negative is around Tony's trip to Vegas and his peyote trip with Christopher's friend. That didn't bug me. If anything, it was Tony's twisted way of eulogizing Christoper (whom he suffocated) by indulging in all that he did.

I guess I had the same problem with last night's episode as I do with all of 24 this season. I can believe almost anything a person does - but I draw the line with physics. The laws are absolute - and even Tony in his GOD like stage of deciding who is worthy of living - can't change that.

Here's what I am getting at: Have you ever been on one of those super roller coasters at Great America? You know - the ones that loop you around a few times. You can't help but get off one of those things feeling little discombobulated.

Don't you think rolling as SUV 10+ times would cause a similar effect? Unless the director forgot to show the passage of time, Tony rolled out of the car and walked around to the driver's side and smashed out the window.

When I come off the big coaster - I can barely walk to the exit rail.

Tony Soprano is hardly a healthy man - and the stress's of a major roll like that should have killed him. So on this rare occasion - I was disappointed with the writers.

Looking beyond that - the look of satisfaction in Tony's eyes when he is suffocating Christoper is frightening - a tribute to some amazing acting. Any Carmela's insistence on bringing in "Aid" into every Christopher conversation is just well done.

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