Friday, January 19, 2007


I admit - I am a Bill Clinton fan. I am not necessarily referring to his politics (who even remembers those?). In the history of dramedy (the art of making the TV drama somewhat funny) ... Has there ever been a character so bigger than life? I don't think the best script writers could create a character so big. Nobody would have believed it.

I vividly recall Phil Hartman (my favorite Clinton impersonator on SNL) doing his Bill Clinton speech in a McDonalds - dressed in full running gear ... helping himself to everyone's french fries as he went from table to table talking foreign policy ... with his mouth full. I still remember the best punch line from that skit. One of the secret service agents told Clinton he wouldn't tell Hillary about the burgers. Hartman grabs the agent and mutters ... "Hey ... there are a lot of things we won't be telling Mrs Clinton - right?" Of course - life eventually imitated art.

Bill's VP, Al Gore is a movie star. But everyday people aren't watching Al's moving and saying "that's me." President Bush speaks like one of the people (who can pronounce all of those countries - especially the ones in a foreign land?) - but isn't one of them. Nobody would ever accuse Newt Gingrich, John Kerry, Dick Cheney or Ted Kennedy of being "the people" - even though we know Newt swears like a sailor ... Kerry walks around with both feet in his mouth ... Cheney is packing heat ... and Teddy's in the bag. But Bill - he is the' "the people."

That's why I was taken back by something I read in the year end issue of Newsweek (the one with Hillary and Obama on the cover). The story on campaign strategies and predicted tactics that both Hillary and Obama would use - had this to say about Hillary's strategy:

"And what about Bill?" The 42nd president is clearly a major plus for Hillary as long as he does nothing to embarrass his wife. One close friend of the family, who requested anonymity for obvious reasons, says the two now have a 'loving marriage' and that his intense desire to see Hillary as president is helping him fight his longstanding 'addiction:' He so wants her to get recognized for her fabulousness that he could live without a lot of things you wouldn't think he could live without."

What kind of crap is this? Longstanding Addiction? What egg-head is spitting out this kind of stuff? John Kerry?

First of all, it leaves the door wide open to a relapse ... and frankly .... I'm not sure if they're talking about young interns ... cigars ... or Big Mac's?

So I'm offering up some free advice for the now 'loving' couple. Don't feed the American public any egg-head lines about Bill's addiction. Come clean ala Bob Barker and admit that Bill screwed-up. He didn't realize what a good thing he had with Hillary. After hitting rock bottom, they are now closer than ever and have a new-found energy. Then maybe hint that Hillary could have laid off the nagging and trying to "change" him - all the stuff middle America's men go to work thinking every day. Throw in some line about them now having a special "Friday Date Night" and bingo - Bill is back!


Anonymous said...

What freaks me out the most is that if Mrs. Clinton is in the White House that means that only TWO FAMILIES will have run this country in the most powerful position for 24 years!!! The Clintons and the Bushes! What about Jeb then after Hilary?! What the?! It's a rotating dynasty!

Just seems wrong.


Bob Walker said...

That is SO true ... where does it end: Chelsea Clinton versus the Bush Twins?