Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Jack Baur is Captian Kirk

I overheard a conversation this morning in which two people here at the station were debating whether or not a cell phone would get a signal deep below ground in the president's bunker. State of the Union talk? No - Jack Baur and 24 talk.

Funny - last night's plot twist bringing in Jack's brother (who looks nothing like Jack - I think on purpose) was cool, but people who watch 24 love the little details. I'm guessing my cell phone would not get a signal. But you've got to believe that the leaders of the free world have a minutes and coverage plan that we can only imagine.

24 fans look and sound to me like Star Trekkers. They study the intimate details of the show and their fan web-sites far outnumber anything the shows producers could build. Here is one someone sent me this morning - a take off on Letterman's top 10 list using Jack Baur facts (warning adult language is used ...)

At least with Star Trek, you knew who was going to get it ... and Captain Kirk never shot any of his own 'red shirt' guys!


Anonymous said...

I'm with you on Jack's brother not looking anything like him. It reminded me of "Twins" with Danny Devito and Arnold Schwarzenegger!

Correct me if I'm wrong here and I don't know the 'net "chatter", but Jack's brother's kid is really his kid right?? He looked like him and the whole thing with the brother getting mad about the wife being excited Jack was alive!

All I know is when I get into it with my brother I don't put a plastic bag on his head.


Bob Walker said...

Good points. When we were talking about Jack's nephew - it just seemed to easy to make him Jack's kid (even though Jack and his sister in-law obviously had a thing). They chose that kid to play the part so they can go that way if necessary.

One call to Chloe would answer all of our questions ...