Thursday, January 4, 2007

And The Winner Is ...

A man in Brazil tried to dismantle a rocket-propelled grenade by driving back and forth over it with his car. When the weapon failed to break up, he attacked it with a sledgehammer. The explosion killed him and destroyed six cars and his workplace.

And that wasn't even stupid enough to win the Darwin Award for 2006 - He was number three!!

The runner-up:

A man who flew his copper wire-bound kite during a thunderstorm. The 26-year-old, from Belize, died after the kite sent a fatal bolt of lightning through his body. He was an
electrician. (otherwise - he wouldn't have known better?)

This year's winners were two students who climbed into a huge helium-filled balloon for
the "buzz" of inhaling the gas. Both students, 21 years old , were discovered with their feet sticking out of a deflated balloon used to advertise property in South Florida. The two
apparently pulled the balloon out of the sky and squeezed themselves inside,
where they died of oxygen starvation.

The Darwin Awards - saluting the improvement of the human genome by honoring those who accidentally remove themselves from it ... ensuring that the next generation is one idiot smarter.

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