Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Equal Time? Not really.

Remember when the State of the Union was not a partisan event?

Really? Well pull up a chair youngin’s … and let me tell you about a time before Starbucks, Harry Potter, and You Tube. We the people, watched the speech – and were returned to our regularly scheduled programming already in progress (we had 3 channels and didn’t know any better).

Then it all went wrong. Those out of the White House decided it was too darn hurtful to listen and disagree with the president who won the job legally through the Electoral College (granted – the EC was not on our radar until 2000). They started what we now call the Republican or Democratic response. And it became a partisan event.

Don’t get me wrong: the State of the Union was oozing with partisan content. But he was the president – and we were hearing his vision of the nation’s state. And the other guys took it. My favorite State of the Union Moments involved watching Tip O’Neil behind Regan and Newt Gingrich behind Clinton. Their absence of applause and scowl was the only reality TV we knew.

But as you know … today … Nobody loses.

And worse, the losers think you and I cannot disagree on our own. They march a senator or governor (who we could not pick out of police line-up) in front of America with a counter plan.

It almost reeks of treason …

Okay – that’s an exaggeration. But the Virginia Senator who gave the Democratic response last night doesn’t represent me. Why do I want to hear from him? Was he ever on a ballot for me to vote for or against? He was a convincing speaker with well spoken opinions on Iraq. But he’s only been a Senator for two weeks – he’s still trying to find the chamber men’s room for God’s sake.

It’s never a response: it is sour grapes. Each party chooses a pit-bull so the hierarchy can keep their hands clean. But we the people get it. We know that by the next election, their story will change more times than Paula Abdul’s.

Last night was W’s vision for America: Not that of the Republican party (did you see Cheney wince when he mentioned global warming?). Bill Clinton’s last address was his vision – not that of the Democrats. Can’t we leave it that that - no matter who is president?

How long before the losers get to throw out the second pitch of the World Series?


Anonymous said...

I get so tired of hearing what "the other side" has to say that contradicts what "the other side" is saying. At this point, I don't care who was right or wrong about going to Iraq. They should be working together to come up with not only plan "A", but maybe even a b, c,and d plan to help Iraq become a "stable" country. Our govenment is beginning to remind of small children in a sand box who can't play well together.
Renee (a 'KTI listner)

Bob Walker said...

Renee - you are so right. Just listening to them all makes my head hurt.

I also don't care who is right or wrong anymore - technically: they're all wrong (results speak for themselves). I kind of miss a guy like Gerald Ford who just did what he tought was right - not what would look good in the polls.

I guess as we get older - the sandboxes just keep getting bigger. Thanks so much for posting. Have a great weekend!