Thursday, December 14, 2006

The Sun Did Rise In The East ...

Transmitter .... check

Frequency Modulation .... check

Rob Thomas song .... check

We're still on the air - and Reitman's gone ... I guess they were wrong ...


Anonymous said...

I moved to Milwaukee in 1980, and I've woken up to Reitman's "Ya Ya Milwaukee" almost every weekday since then. My alarm went off at 5:00 A.M. (as usual) on December 14 and I lay in bed waiting for the unknown. As I heard Mueller say "Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end", and then "It's Gene, Amy and Gino", I just had to cry a little. Truly, it was the end of an era .... and the beginning of a new one. I miss you already Bob, but I offer my love and best wishes to all of you. Thanks for the great memories.

Bob Walker said...

What a great tribute - thanks for sharing. I don't think Reitman understood the full impact of his departure until the night at the Riverside. I was walking him from Mo's over to the rear entrace of the Riverside Theater. I told him we had to use the stage entrance as the theater was full and we would never get through the lobby in time. Just hearing "the place is full" really struck Bob. He stood on the side of the stage (out of sight) and was struck by the crowd.

If it wasn't for the fact he hadn't eaten (and the kitched was at last-call) I think he would have just stayed there out of sight watching people come-in.