Monday, December 18, 2006

Come Here Often?

When you work in radio - it's almost impossible to take a day-off.

On Friday I did take a day off to meet a friend in Chi-Town. He is a Chicago Bulls season ticket holder and I mooched my way into the Bulls-Bucks game at the United Center (Bucks lose a heart-breaker).

Since we were friend in the mid 80's, he has been in the navy, gone to law school, and joined an international business which takes him on sales calls to places like Russia and South America (Kind of makes my stories about hanging with Rob Thomas seem a little shallow)

Even in the day - he never quite understood my longing to be in the biz. He knew the pay wasn't great. He knew the odds were against making it just because of the sheer number of people who were sending out tapes. But we both kind of forged out our lives.

After a surprisingly good half-time show (Blue Man Group), we were headed to the men's room when I spotted someone wearing a KTI hat. Even though I was taking a day off, I had to go and say something - anything - to this ardent Bucks fan who must have braved her way through the toll-booth jungle to make it to the game ... just like me. Here is a brief recap of the conversation:
ME: Hi there ... I see you're wearing a KTI hat. I work for KTI and just wanted to say Thanks for supporting both KTI and the Bucks ... even down here in Bulls territory ...
FAN: Excuse me?
(I recap what I just said above)
FAN: I'm here for the Bulls and I have no idea where I got this hat.
(she walks off)
Like that guy who uses bad pick-up lines at Victors - I just moved on. My friend pointed something out to me about the encounter after the game:
"Now I know why you are in the biz ... there is no way anyone in my field would ever go out of their way to market their product on a day off in a city where they don't even do business."
You know - it never dawned on me ... but that is what we do - instinctively. Not just me - or just my co-horts at KTI. Successful radio people who build big careers do it on passion - like musicians. I don't think they always get the props. But I know it's true.
I'd still love to know where she got the hat ...


Anonymous said...

Bob - I do the same thing all the time in KnoxVegas! And most of the time, people look at me like I'm nuts, but whatever. My non-radio friends think I'm crazy, too, but you're right. It's because we're passionate about radio. I'm enjoying reading your blog but wonder when you find the time to keep it updated! Happy holidays - G. Love

Bob Walker said...

G - seems like yesterday you were running INSIDERS! Keep up the good work in K-Town and have a great Christmas!