Saturday, November 11, 2006

How Would You Like Those?

Petty cash doesn't grow on trees. Somebody in the office has to take the check, go to the bank and cash it. When it comes to a listener promotion or something that requires cash: many times that is me.

Teller: Is this a payroll check?

Me: Well, it's petty cash.

Teller: Do you know your account number?

Me: No: But I have my mortgage and two car payments with you (small talk sucks).

Teller (some how now 5db louder): Okay: one thousand dollars. How would you like that?

Me: How about quietly!

I don't know about you: but if I'm leaving the teller window with a grand in 20's - I don't want it broadcast to everyone in the bank (or supermarket - if I am forced to use one of those counter/branches).

Lips says I should just pass them a note. Yea - that always works well in a bank.

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