Monday, June 4, 2007

No Hope

When was the last time you saw something so ulgy ...

So disturbing ...

The image lingers in your mind for days ...

I'm still not over it.

On Sunday I was pulling into a Wal-Mart parking lot following a car full of people (looked like at least 6 people inside this early 90's Pontiac Sunbird.) As the car turned toward the open part of the lot I saw something I never imagined still happened in 2007.

Somebody threw an entire fast-food bag full of discarded burger wrappers and soft-drink cups out the window.

Using the parking lot as their personal trash can.

What kind of person does this?

I don't care who you are ... how you were raised ... who wronged you in the past ... how much or how little money you make ...

That's just plain wrong - and everyone knows better.

Seriously - how can you justify taking up space on this planet when you throw your trash out your car window?

Touching other people's discarded food trash is pretty disgusting to me. But leaving that litter on the parking lot was just wrong. My young son saw it happen too and wanted to help, but I would not let him grab the stranger's trash. I took a spare plastic bag we had in the car, picked up the trash and walked all of the 20 or so steps to the giant trash containers outside of Wal-Mart - then quickly headed to the men's room for a scrubbing.

I know there are crimes committed that are much more heinous - but again: what hope does this person have of being a contributing member of society?



Anonymous said...

The same kind of person who throws out 3 decades of fans. What kind of person or station does that?

I by no means make excuses for the rude and inconsiderate behaviors of others. However I do understand not to expect simple things like respect, kindness, consideration, and conscientiousness.

What is funny feel wronged for having observed this...I would too.

That is how we felt not being able to say goodbye...

Sincerly yours
Wiser than twenty something.

Anonymous said...

How does it feel to be the most unpopular man in Milwaukee? I think Mike McGee said, "Hey, I ain't no Bob Walker", when presenting his defense. What's the official count of positive emails for the new show, vs. negative ones? Let's talk about what really needs to be talked about. Yeah, trash happens and unfortunately it's not just in the Wal-Mart parking lot, it's also on the 'KTI airwaves.

Anonymous said...

I say it is time we start writing to the sponsers of WKTI, and tell them that we are not listening this station anymore. Change is ok, but we need to be able to say goodbye Gino and Gene first! So, to all the sponsers, pull your ads and place them on other radio stations that all these listeners have switched too!

Anonymous said...

You people are pathetic. I have only listened to wkti for a few years but it is obvious that bob, amy and gene wanted out. Too bad about gino but it happens. At least the new show plays music that is what I want in the morning.

Anonymous said...

Ok, I gave the new show a chance and am now officially done with KTI. I've listened for 6 days now and have not laughed once, not even a smirk. With the previous show I was in stitches constantly and that's what I need to get my day off to a good start. I don't want to hear the same damn songs that the station plays all day and all night long. I don't want to hear two guys that sound so much alike its impossible to tell which one is talking. The worst part of the show, however, is Erin. She is so annoying. Comes across as a whiny, arrogant, spoiled brat. If I have to hear her say "Geez Louise", or "YEEEEAAAAAHHHHH" one more time, I might "barf in my mouth a little" to use another one of her annoying quotes. What a shame this show had to come to this. I'll be switching to Dave and Carol or maybe Murphy in the Morning out of Green Bay. At least I know I'll be laughing.

Anonymous said...

I HATE the new show!!! I have tried to listen to it to give them a chance, but I am going to tune in elsewhere. I hope that the new show flops. It would serve you and management right.

Anonymous said...

Milwaukee is spoiled. Radio is one of the most unstable careers. I have often been told I should go into radio due to my voice, personality, and huge knowledge of anything involving music, but it is the unstable nature that kept me from trying.

But then again I should not be surprised...As a 10 year transplant(Although I have known of Reitman and Mueller since 1991)Milwaukee does not like change....It has been tougher to meet friends here then anywhere else I have been and i have an out going personality. I do have a few after many years...but it takes those awhile.

I remember my realtor telling me when I 1st moved here...Milwaukee is the last place in the country to recieve anything new...that is why you have so many different local cover bands playing the same tired old classic rock songs.

Anonymous said...

Might have gone with a kinder female instead of one that alienates the listener. Instead of her sounding empowering, she is brash. My office has changed stations. Erin isn't cutting it. Sorry.

Anonymous said...

Well, I am not a native of the area and I believe in giving everyone a fair shake, but tuning into the morning show on WKTI since the change over has given me the following impression. AJ and Mathew are still shouting in practically the same voice, and Erin could induce migraines and vomiting with her whining. Mathew also goes out of his way to make fun of Insiders when he gives the code at 8 AM. And the constant trash about Paris Hilton and segments on stuff like "gleek" and FIBs(who thinks this is funny or is this your idea of how all WI folks think?) are not what I understood was going to be "radio your kids could listen to" while driving in the car. The kids now ask if we can change the station, and we will,at least during the AM hours, when the DJ's who are suffering from a severe case of "aren't we smart and so funny? We sure think so!" are sadly neither.